Do you love animals? Would you like to be part of the project and support us on site with your hands-on commitment?
We are always looking for reliable, empathetic and responsible helpers who share our vision of a dignified life for all species. Preferably, you would like to dedicate a bit of your time to the project on a regular basis (e.g., once per week), so that you can get involved in our everyday routines and be a steady part of our team of volunteers.
Depending on your experiences and preferences, volunteering can involve direct care for the animals, such as feeding, cleaning, or walking dogs, supporting us at the weekly charity market, helping us taking care of the house and its surroundings, listing and collecting of donations for the online charity shop, or getting involved in constructing more habitats for our growing family of rescuees.
If you want to be fully involved in the project while making the experience of living in a sanctuary, you can also join us via the workaway project:

Help make a difference and sign up to volunteer today!